High-performance Virtuozzo powered virtual machines for any workload. Select from our pre-defined instance sizes to configure your cloud server's CPU cores and memory. From 4 core and 4GB up to 16 cores and 64GB memory.
Web Hosting Service Provider
Every hosting plan comes with these premium features, plus many more.
Set-up Fee
0.00 $
Monthly Price
15.00 $
- Intel® Extreme Series | 1 CORE CPU
- Guaranteed RAM: 2 GB
- Extra vRAM: 512 MB
- Storage: 1 TB (Raid1)
- Hardware RAID1 Enabled
- Monthly Transfer: 8 TB
- 1 Gigabit Network Connection
- DDoS Shield Enabled
- Delivery Time: 12 ~ 24 Hours
Set-up Fee
0.00 $
Monthly Price
25.00 $
- Intel® Extreme Series | 1 CORE CPU
- Guaranteed RAM: 4 GB
- Extra vRAM: 512 MB
- Storage: 2 TB (Raid1)
- Hardware RAID1 Enabled
- Monthly Transfer: 16 TB
- 1 Gigabit Network Connection
- DDoS Shield Enabled
- Delivery Time: 12 ~ 24 Hours
Set-up Fee
0.00 $
Monthly Price
30.00 $
- Intel® Extreme Series | 1 CORE CPU
- Guaranteed RAM: 6 GB
- Extra vRAM: 512 MB
- Storage: 3 TB (Raid1)
- Hardware RAID1 Enabled
- Monthly Transfer: 24 TB
- 1 Gigabit Network Connection
- DDoS Shield Enabled
- Delivery Time: 12 ~ 24 Hours
Flexibility, security, scalability: There are a lot of reasons to choose a Virtual Private Server solution. And with Zelt, it’s easier than ever to set up and deploy the right, best-in-class solution for your applications and your business. Zelt VPS Server ensures the security and availability of your mission critical data. Optimal for high performance infrastructures, business critical workloads, specialty hardware or configuration requirements, governance or regulatory requirements.
"All servers tailored to your business. Comprehensive control, isolation, and privacy."
Cloud Server Features
Instances for any need
InstancesLinux and Windows support
LinuxSelect from Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Suse or AlmaLinux. Easily run your cloud server on the operating system of your choice.
100% local SSD storage
SSDAll our instances are powered by enterprise-grade local SSD RAID10 storage for insane I/O performance and ultra low latency. And if you run our of space you can easily scale you storage any time.
Anti-affinity groups
affinityUse anti-affinity groups to launch virtual machines on different physical hypervisors ensuring high availability.
Virtual machine snapshots
VirtualTake a snapshot of your cloud server to backup your data and configuration. Easily restore your instance to any snapshot with the click of a button. You can also convert a snapshot to a virtual machine template.
Redundant Hardware
HardwareHardware redundancy is provided by incorporating extra hardware into the design to either detect or override the effects of a failed component. For example, instead of having a single processor, we can use two or three processors, each performing the same function.
Cluster friendly traffic
ClusterInbound traffic is 100% free. And if you run a cluster, all traffic between your nodes is free too and your load-balancers get 1 TB of outbound traffic per node in the cluster.
Live migrations
migrationsOur live migration feature makes sure that we can always keep the Container up-to-date, improving performance and security without requiring reboots of your VMs.
Built-in AI Management
ManagementGranular Identity and our Access Management gives you full control on what API keys can or cannot do. So that we can provide in-house immediate support for your server without any password or, API.
Instance Pools
InstanceProvision groups of identical Compute instances automatically, for High Availability and improved Elasticity.
24/7 World-Class Support
Ran into trouble? Contact our Customer Success team any time via live chat or email.
- Receive professional WordPress support
- Our specialists are available round
Over 20000 Satisfied Customers!
From 24/7 support that acts as your extended team to incredibly fast website performance